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Next exam: 17th October 2024
You can pre-register for this exam with us now

Since 4 December 2018 applications for Italian Citizenship, regardless of residence or marital status, need to include an Italian language certificate to demonstrate adequate knowledge of the Italian language. This has to be to at least level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for Languages.

The simplest way to achieve this certification is by taking the CILS B1 CITTADINANZA exam.


If your Italian is B1 (CEFR) or higher, and you are interested in sitting this exam, please contact us, or you can register online here.

Places are limited, and are allocated on a first-come first-served basis. The exam fee is £145. Please note that registration for the exam on 17th October closes on 17th September.


We also offer a B1 citizenship preparation course specifically aimed at the exam. This course requires that you have already reached B1 CEFR Italian. If you are not yet at B1 CEFR level, we have regular courses and private tuition all all levels so that you can study towards this level.

Private tuition is avaliable for students who prefer to have preparatory lessons on a one-to-one basis, rather than in a group.

October 17th 2024 exam preparatory course (ONLINE)
5 lessons: 12-16 October 2024, 19:00-20:00. 1 hour each lesson + assignments (homework).
Course fee £145

Please contact us for further information.

You can find more information about the exam and samples here.

CILS exams - other levels

CILS exams are also available at other levels as below, subject to a minimum number of enrolments. If you need formal recognition of your competence at a given level of Italian, these are a way of certifying this. These exams are separate from the Citizenship exam described above. Any of these exams can be taken if your Italian is at the relevant level. If you need tuition to improve your Italian at any level, we have a full range of regular courses and private tuition.


Please contact us for further information.

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